Dimensions: 34 x 24 cm
ISBN 978-83-933762-5-4
Edition 200
“In an ideal world an ideal egg would be an ideally oval geometrical form with an ideally spherical yolk center surrounded by whites. After boiling our specimen and cutting it crossways, we would see a microscale model of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Both systems – the cosmic one and the human one – are closed and complementary, as the vitality of one of the parts depends on the other. Meanwhile, the space between the surface of the yolk and the shell, on a cosmic scale, is the sphere of influence between our planet its closest star. In the “Four Eggs Theory” the key element of illustrations is a synthetic image of half an egg – a closed system with a core and a surrounding atmosphere. This theory aims to describe an individual, though also, from a wider perspective, the cyclical and recurring process of the artistic creation of a Work. The Work is the key element of artistic Practice. At the same time, the theory described in the following text could be analyzed through an illustrating diagram. If we were to seek an analogy in our common knowledge, we ought to ask: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? […]
If I were to apply the Four Eggs Theory back upon itself, it essentially would look as follows: I have an intuitive need (Intuition) to structure the world of matter (Item) and ideas (Idea) around me, and this is why, inspired (Inspiration) by the theoretical ponderings of writers, poets, and artists, as well as various artifacts, I think constantly about how to (Idea) communicate my knowledge in a logical manner, e.g. through writing this text (Item). All this comes together to make the Work, which is part of a greater whole – a Practice.” – Honza Zamojski