Publisher: Morava Books
Dimensions: 220 x 160 mm
ISBN: 978-83-926924-8-5
Edition: 300
“Rhymes like dimes” from MF Doom’s song in Honza Zamojski’s free translation changes into “rymy jak dymy”, with the resounding word “intro”, which in this particular case may mean not only “introduction” but also “introspection”. The third and final part of a trilogy, the third grey book is the first and last at the same time. After “We Came From Beyond”, a collective show and publication that was not so much a project catalogue but a work in its own right made under the curatorial supervision of the artist, the time was ripe for “Jak jsem potkal ďábla”. Work on this book offered an opportunity to probe into family history and the sweeping background of Czech history. The aim of the finale is introspection. The book has two sides, A and B, and a “hidden track”; each of the chambers was marked off by a pause allowing the accumulation of energy necessary for yet another effort. The empty pages are equivalent to the silence of a cassette; these are not margins but an integral part of the project. Emptiness allows information to sink in and imparts the whole with a special rhythm of the beat. Cut & paste, sampling, loops and scratches are means to foster the progress of the narration and make the whole approach a dynamic, urban meditation.
[text: Daniel Muzyczuk, curator of CSW Toruń]